A space to take action
Make It Happen
Do your part to help reopen our schools and our economy. Stay 6 feet apart. Wash your hands. Wear a mask when you leave your home. Join the fight to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Juntos podemos contra el COVID-19
Juntos podemos proteger a nuestras familias, reabrir las escuelas y estabilizar los trabajos. Mantengamos seis pies de distancia. Lavémonos las manos con frecuencia. Y usemos mascarilla todas las veces que salimos de casa. Con responsabilidad podemos recobrar lo perdido.
Get vaccinated.
Stop the Spread. Help Our Most Vulnerable. Get vaccinated – it’s safe, effective, and free. Vaccination is the most important tool to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Every Californian 12 and up is now eligible for vaccination.